
These free resources are provided to our community to help you accelerate your personal or team performance. If you have any suggestions or requests for additional tools, please let us know.

The GROW Model Cheat Sheet

How do you keep a workplace conversation clean? Use our Cheat Sheet Tool to find out. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

GROW Model Cover

The Career Guide Template

Career planning doesn’t have to be complicated. Use our Career Guide Template to find out. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Career Guide Cover

This Is Me Template

This exercise gives you valuable personal insights in a safe, deep and structured way. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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Who's Who Template

The aim is to provide other team members with an overview of your role, an opportunity to clarify overlapping responsibilites & identify potential synergies within the team

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For teams to work well collaboratively, every member must be crystal clear on roles and responsibilities. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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One on One Catch Ups Tool

Helping managers pave the way to far more valuable and effective catch ups using four steps and five additional tips. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this tool.

One-on-one Catch Ups Tool Resource Cover

Delegation Template

We have found people leaders really struggle with, and can really open up so many opportunities for them: delegation.
Here's a
blog post where we describe on how to use this tool.

Delegation Template Resource Cover

Team Purpose Statement

Having a Team Purpose Statement is essential in a demanding and ever changing environment. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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Executive Presence

What exactly is executive presence? And how does one develop it? Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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Success Wheel Diagram

What is a Success Wheel Diagram? Draw a circle in the middle of a sheet of paper with enough room to write some words in the middle. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Success Wheel Diagram Resource Cover

Above The Line Or Below The Line

This post is about one of the most impactful behavioural models we've come across in the last 18 years.. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Above The Line Below The Line Resource Cover

Building Your Brand

A useful tool in planning a strategy for developing relationships and networks across an organisation. How to podcast episode coming soon

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An Introduction to Team-Based Planning

What exactly is team-based planning? Who’s involved? And what are the benefits?

Team Based Planning

Getting your team involved in the planning process, with everyone contributing and on board, is a skill that every people leader would do well to master. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Team Based Planning

MBTI Type Skills

Understanding the different ways people perceive and organise information, communicate and make decisions is incredibly useful in avoiding problems and improving effective collaboration within a team. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

MBTI Type Skills Resource Cover

Customer/Stakeholder Engagement Plan

One of the key steps in this strategic planning process is a stakeholder analysis. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Customer/Stakeholder Engagement Plan Resource Cover

Leadership Purpose Statement

This provides you with an opportunity to set your own leadership direction and helps you chart that course

Coaching Session Template

How to podcast episode coming soon.

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Mentoring Session Question Template

In a mentoring relationship, you really want to grab the opportunity to deep dive into asking people. And a little bit of structure will really make your mentoring sessions more worthwhile and satisfying. Here's a blog post where we describe on how to use this template.

Lencioni's 5 Dysfunctions Of A Team

Look at the work of organisational health expert Patrick Lencioni and the ideas raised in his book ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable’. He identifies and explains each dysfunction and how to overcome them in order to become a more cohesive, highly functioning team. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Lencioni 5 Dysfunctions Of A Team Cover

Values Based Personal
Development Plan

Values are at our very core. They guide our behaviour and what we stand for. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

My Personal Playbook

This will provide you with a process to help you focus your efforts in achieving your business and personal objectives. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

My Personal Playbook Resource Cover

Meeting Agenda

People talk about team meetings like they’re a dirty word, and it’s true that without the right preparation they can often feel like a waste of time and energy. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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Clarity 4D

The 4 in 4D doesn’t refer to the colours though, it refers to the four dimensions of ourselves and our development. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Clarity 4D Resource Cover

4 Types of Performance Conversations 

Performance conversations are extremely important in your job as a manager. A fundamental part of your role is giving feedback to improve your team's effectiveness as well as helping each member develop their skills and career. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

4 Types of Performance Conversations Resource Cover

How Do Values Affect Leadership Style?

Undertake our Values Card Sort exercise to find out.

Values Sort Card Cover

Do You Have a Career Plan?

Follow our simple process to map our your own personal plan. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

Develop A Career Plan Cover

SCARF Tracking Sheet

How useful would it be to have a collaboration and influencing framework, a tool to improve your social awareness to the point that advanced leadership skills become second nature to you? Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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Team Resilience Indicator Tool

How resilient is your business team? Use our Team Resilience Indicator Tool to find out. Here's a blog post where we describe how to use this template.

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The Introvert's Edge

Learn how to use introversion as a strength and key advantage in the corporate workplace.

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